2001 to 2023
Every insane move that the US government has made over the past 22 years; the war on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, the exponential expansion of their military bases around the world (800 ++) their sanction wars on Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, and every nation that dared to defy US dictates has all stemmed from the 911 lie called for by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
The official story or ‘narrative’ that they’ve stuck to regarding 911 is so full of holes that they’ve rendered science (physics, math, and chemistry) a joke. Also, the war that the corporate government has waged on anyone that’s challenged the shoddy US governments narrative, from a solid professional perspective, continues as they’ve either been fired, censored, silenced, ruined or all of the above.
The global police state that emerged as a result of 911 has crept forward ever since and led to the totalitarian fascist world we’ve all experienced since their 2020 global scamdemic. Now, today in 2023, the US military is in charge of the response for future plandemics; a future war they will roll out on the global population down the road as the US banking corporatocracy falls further and further into bankruptcy.
Today, if anyone dares challenge any of the insane government narratives being shoved down our throats, they are declared an enemy of the state…it doesn’t take much imagination to see where this is going to go.
The US power structure is not only out of control, it has metastasized into a corporate fascist entity with its roots and tentacles in every puppet nation under its banking influence and or in its NATO dictatorship. Their future vision is war, disease, poverty, famine and a fascist police state.
Did you not see and hear their evil intent with your own eyes and ears over the past three years of their fake pandemic? I’ve seen it since 911 and its time everyone else did too! Now is the time for the American people and indeed the people across the world in the know, to stand up and show your neighbors what has truly been going on. Wake the sleepers!
Revolution: An Instruction Manual